The development of Zen Rude-ism occurred at exactly the same time as three extraordinary and excessively hugely significant historical moments:

- At approximately the same time that Zen Rude-ism began, the Nameless Master found himself beset with various pupils seeking the wisdom he had gained through his Rude Awakening.
- Their arrival only cemented what the Master knew intimately. It also ignited the spark of understanding that he would call the Stupidity of the Bastards.
- This led the Master to postulate the Rule of the Rude-ist Pupil.
Shortly after the death of the Nameless Master, Pying-Pyong became the most prolific of all Rude-ist Masters, though all of his sutras were apparently spoken to his dog.
To this day, no one knows who the hell wrote down all the stuff he said.
Shortly after the death of
Pying-Pyong, Lai-Tze formed a new school of Zen
Rude-ism based on the Principle of Not-Doing-By-Having-Someone-Else-Do.
This caused a rift to form in Rude-ist schools and places of worship. Many Masters saw Lai-Tze as perverting the course of the Nameless Master's teachings. By turning his encounters with bastards, jerks and wise-asses to his advantage, he obviated the suffering caused by them; ergo, he was unable to embrace the Four Truths. At best, he made a mountain out of the molehill of one Rude-ist principle. At the very worst, this made him the most egregious kind of Wise-ass.
Despite years of continued philosophical and spiritual attacks, none of Lai-Tze's accusers ever successfully countered the Rude-ist Master's defense against their position:
"Whatever. Jealous much?"
Coming in an eventual post (Don't rush me! Sheesh!) - Zen Rude-ism Basic Principles and Terminology
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